The goal of That Girl Rocks is to compel 1,000 people to submit a video about a girl who rocks their world. Why? Because we at I AM THAT GIRL are passionate about using media as a platform to build girls up instead of breaking them down. If we can get 1,000 girls to do this, we (along with our celebrity supporters) will hand-deliver a package to The Ellen DeGeneres Show with a copy of each video and a request to highlight our movement on her show.
I've spent years working in the entertainment industry. From red-carpet interviews to sport shows to a hard-fought battle on the reality TV show Survivor, I've been in the thick of it -- as a host, a professional storyteller, a media personality and a content creator. But it wasn't until I performed in a progressive women's play called The Vagina Monologues, written by Eve Ensler, that a passion deep in my soul was ignited and I was instantaneously thrust into a completely different trajectory. I realized -- through this play that simultaneously entertained and educated its audience -- that storytelling could ignite change; it could create awareness, inspire, challenge and engage. I also realized that the entertainment industry was a tool and a vehicle to reach that audience.