
As a poet
My most potent weapon is my ability to seal your soul...

And make it all about me.
My ability to document your heartaches and falls.

And make them seem feeble.
Like fruitcake and a corny game show host.

As a poet,
I've invested in licence to satirize your life.

Make it insincere and silly.
A barbie doll existence.

I've invested in a licence to exploit you.
To exaggerate your humanity and magnify your tears. 

As a poet,
I've learned to suck the spirit from the most alive beings...
To numb life.

By recording it,
Dulling it on paper.

I've learned to suck the color,
And taste,
And touch of reality.

Spitting it out on lined tree roots,
Feeding on the death of the element that create life.

As a poet,
I've learned to smile.

And applaud misfortune,
And beautify it's ugliness.

I've learned to kill,
In a subtle yet deadly way.