
I can be hard ~ and soft, in all the right places ~
And at times when I wish I wasn't … inside.
I am smart ~ and always learning
I am tough ~ and gentle and
I love when you make me feel …
The way you make me feel.
I am capable and competent and brilliant
And I need your help, sometimes with what seems like
The smallest things
I am beautiful - and at times …
I am ugly
And those times … when I am ugly in
Thought, word or deed trust me,
I am ashamed of those moments and … sorry.
I am brave and though you would never see me sweat
I am sometimes terrified and sometimes not so dramatically
Just afraid
I love deeply ~ forever
And will hold on tight until it is time
To let go
And when I let go, it can sometimes be like
You were never here at all
I work hard ~ and play hard ~ and love hard ~ with
Passion and joy and laughter and tears
I am deeply proud of my wild side
Will protect it with everything I have
I am humbled by the wisdom of my experience
I am blessed to be wise.

© Christa of W3 2013