
I woke up just now to one of my favorite days.
Not because it is Sunday.
Not because it is March 6th.
Today I woke up to the smell of cool wet fresh air. 
An amazing breeze blowing through the one curtain that is actually hanging on a window in my room.
(Three curtains are up. Three more to go ... )
There is a calming darkness in the morning light.
My bed is dressed in crisp clean sheets and I woke up, among my lovely new pillows, buried  under my blanket. Charles slept curled up under the blanket next to me.

My goodness, it is a bit silly that I get this happy over a rainy Sunday (the perfect rainy Sunday) ...
: ) 
Oh, well, you have to enjoy the little things in life. 
My only complaint, once again, is the lack of food in my apartment.
In my defense, the severe absence of food from my kitchen is not due to my extreme dislike for stopping places on my way home.
The current food shortage is a result of "busy season".
The only real meals I have had outside of my office have been because of a few dinner functions and my bestie bringing me pho last week when I got home... at 9:00. 
Unfortunately, the intensity in the last few weeks of my life is not only impacting me.
Again, Chuck too is without food. 
Which is why now, as I sit in my favorite chair, windows open, listening to the sound of the rain & rainy day music, I am being forced to decide when to leave the comfort of my home and go outside into the world.


 Charlie is pretty hell bent on me going now.
He keeps head-butting my chin to make his opinion heard.
I think maybe a twenty minute nap would gear me up to venture out of doors ...