
Remember to take a look at your "you". 
Recognize virtues that are important to you. 
Not virtues you look for in others, but rather the ones you identify yourself with. 
The meat and potatoes of your soul. 
Use these ideals and ideas to mold how you think, how you react, and how you respond. 
Remember why they are important to you.
 Allow your core to naturally grow, which in turn will nurture your subconscious, all resulting in a calm, focused, understanding, raw person who you are proud to be. 
Facing daily challenges and triumphs, all the while knowing that no matter the outcome, win or lose, values were not compromised, actions were justified and fair. "Its hypocritical of you, do what you say not what you do."...
 Nobody can take your soul, leaving you misguided, without your permission.
 Refuse to let it go, deal with the instant and constant reality of life, remaining in control of your "you". 
Personally, I find class, in its purest definition, to be the virtue, the descriptor, that I have planted in the lining of my soul. 
I believe that the true and pure definition of class has nothing to do with social status, income, family, or material goods. 
All encompassing class can only be found in someone who is aware of themselves, their own actions, the mark they leave on others, and the "footprint" they leave behind wherever they go. 
True class cannot and will not exist without compassion, understanding, an open mind, flexibility, and intelligence. 
Leading me closer to the me I see in my minds eye, the me I want to become, the me that can always say "I just behaved and acted in a way that commands respect (even if you disagree), I have engaged in nothing to intentionally hurt anyone, deceive anyone, offend or misuse another. 
A true connection with yourself will allow love, in all its forms, to surround you in your journey. Don't act happy, be happy. 
Don't act helpful, be helpful.
 Don't bring negativity in your personal space, be positive, it's contagious : )