

never break a writer’s heart
because your name
will forever belong to us.

you will sign it

into every broken bit
and one day, you’ll open a book
with yourself
next to the words
"let me tell you about the time
i was hurt."


never break a poet’s heart

because between the beat
of the stanzas,
you’ll hear that heartbeat,
hammering harder
proving you wrong
with every line.


never break a writer’s heart

because we will take the pain
and make it into something
you could never live down.

you could live with heart monitors,

that measured the damaged pulse,
doctors who told you,
“she's critical.”

but you can’t live with the bold strokes,

smooth as a flatline,
that accuse you of being
the best thing
that’s ever happened to them.

you can’t live with it;

our soulmate, now writing.

You, now replaced

by a pen.


never break anybody’s heart

because you’ll cut yourself
on the pieces of it.

and see, hearts heal.

scars don’t.