My Vortex of Chaos
On a daily basis I come across a multitude of random things, images, literature, art & poetry that I find to be mostly wonderful.
Burning memories.
Glinting silver in a well- worn past.
Casting broken pictures.
This will be the last time I look upon them,
and see the blood stains.
These days have been shaped,
by someone else's mind.
The hours I've spent, wasted,
were not at all mine.
But someone else's imagination.
Figments of a perfect nation,
breeding perfect people.
Callous thoughts of vanity.
Worthless wishing, full of greed.
Coveting things they thought they need.
Nobody ever coveted me.
They thought of conformity.
Blending with a broken society.
So this is the end.
Of slipping through the cracks of 'perfect'.
I'm not like you so I'm not there.
Tell me, do you think it's worth it?
Do you think it's fair?
I'm not like you so I don't matter.
Just obstacles of what your after.
Give it time, then you may see.
That your fucked-up society,
could kill a person.
Like it almost killed me.
D. H. Lawrence, 1885 - 1930
The hoar-frost crumbles in the sun,
The crisping steam of a train
Melts in the air, while two black birds
Sweep past the window again.
Along the vacant road, a red
Bicycle approaches; I wait
In a thaw of anxiety, for the boy
To leap down at our gate.
He has passed us by; but is it
Relief that starts in my breast?
Or a deeper bruise of knowing that still
She has no rest.
The crisping steam of a train
Melts in the air, while two black birds
Sweep past the window again.
Along the vacant road, a red
Bicycle approaches; I wait
In a thaw of anxiety, for the boy
To leap down at our gate.
He has passed us by; but is it
Relief that starts in my breast?
Or a deeper bruise of knowing that still
She has no rest.
Things I Will Tell My Children About Destiny
Cynthia Manick
You remind them
of weighted tumbleweeds,
hen-egg brown. Don’t let
them take the rag-
time beneath your skin.
It stirs earth’s curvature
and a choir
of frogs
when you enter
or leave a room. Don’t
leave a swallow of juice
or milk in the fridge.
A body grieved
is a whole new body.
Give your shadow a name
big as a star, see
yourself out loud.
Pick wild irises the best gifts
roll under a ribcage, leave
open mouths splendid.
I like your smile unpenned.
Keep your bird-
song close, imagine
an hourglass full
of architects and dreamers,
the first taste of fresh
scooped ice cream.
You will learn to master
camouflage among ordinary things—
men who spill words
not thoughts, trigger fingers
to brand loose.
I love your smile unpinned.
of weighted tumbleweeds,
hen-egg brown. Don’t let
them take the rag-
time beneath your skin.
It stirs earth’s curvature
and a choir
of frogs
when you enter
or leave a room. Don’t
leave a swallow of juice
or milk in the fridge.
A body grieved
is a whole new body.
Give your shadow a name
big as a star, see
yourself out loud.
Pick wild irises the best gifts
roll under a ribcage, leave
open mouths splendid.
I like your smile unpenned.
Keep your bird-
song close, imagine
an hourglass full
of architects and dreamers,
the first taste of fresh
scooped ice cream.
You will learn to master
camouflage among ordinary things—
men who spill words
not thoughts, trigger fingers
to brand loose.
I love your smile unpinned.
Lady Montrevor
Christina Rossetti, 1830 - 1894
I do not look for love that is a dream—
I only seek for courage to be still;
To bear my grief with an unbending will,
And when I am a-weary not to seem.
Let the round world roll on; let the sun beam;
Let the wind blow, and let the rivers fill
The everlasting sea, and on the hill
The palms almost touch heaven, as children deem.
And, though young spring and summer pass away,
And autumn and cold winter come again,
And though my soul, being tired of its pain,
Pass from the ancient earth, and though my clay
Return to dust, my tongue shall not complain;—
No man shall mock me after this my day.
I only seek for courage to be still;
To bear my grief with an unbending will,
And when I am a-weary not to seem.
Let the round world roll on; let the sun beam;
Let the wind blow, and let the rivers fill
The everlasting sea, and on the hill
The palms almost touch heaven, as children deem.
And, though young spring and summer pass away,
And autumn and cold winter come again,
And though my soul, being tired of its pain,
Pass from the ancient earth, and though my clay
Return to dust, my tongue shall not complain;—
No man shall mock me after this my day.
Vivien’s Song
Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1809 - 1892
‘In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours,
Faith and unfaith can ne’er be equal powers:
Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.
‘It is the little rift within the lute,
That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all.
‘The little rift within the lover’s lute
Or little pitted speck in garnered fruit,
That rotting inward slowly moulders all.
‘It is not worth the keeping: let it go:
But shall it? answer, darling, answer, no.
And trust me not at all or all in all’.
Faith and unfaith can ne’er be equal powers:
Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.
‘It is the little rift within the lute,
That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all.
‘The little rift within the lover’s lute
Or little pitted speck in garnered fruit,
That rotting inward slowly moulders all.
‘It is not worth the keeping: let it go:
But shall it? answer, darling, answer, no.
And trust me not at all or all in all’.
Why Women With Anxiety Are Stronger Than You Think (
May 4, 2017
Women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety disorders as men, The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports. The women who brave the crippling effects of anxiety in their day-to-day life deserve some recognition for their strength. Anxiety is not easy, and life can be even worse. Here, we highlight why women with anxiety are stronger than you think.
Every day is a battle. Every day can bring something new, and it’s not always exciting. A woman with anxiety finds herself facing a fear on a daily basis. She grapples with her thoughts, finds ways to calm herself down and tries to stop the onslaught of panic attacks while most people are idly drinking coffee and going about their days.
Their sensitivity gives them emotional depth. Anxiety allows you to be in touch with your emotions. Women with anxiety feel everything intensely. Their emotional nature makes them dependable friends and supportive partners, who will support you even when they really need the support themselves.
They think things through. An anxious mind is always running. A woman with anxiety is constantly consumed with the future and plans everything accordingly. Her life, although to her feels in shambles, is carefully thought out. Her dedication to fighting for an easier tomorrow is impressive.
They are smart as hell. Google is the best friend and worst enemy of the woman with anxiety. She consistently looks up events before she attends, researches jobs dutifully before interviews and always studies to avoid the worst-case scenarios that are constantly popping up in her head. This desire for knowledge, though based in fear, produces a strong and informed mind.
They have to deal with skeptical people. They constantly hear things like “Don’t worry about it” and “It’s all in your head.” All they really want is someone to listen, not to be judged or have their real feelings dismissed. However, people still relay these messages of skepticism to anxious women, and they put up with it, on top of everything else.
They understand that you don’t understand. No one wants anxiety; no one wants to be the one constantly worrying about the small things. So, if you aren’t constantly on the verge of your next panic attack, it easy to ignore it’s existence. But just know sometimes anxiety makes even leaving your house a difficult and emotionally grueling task, but more often than not, they do it anyway.
They never stop trying. If you are friends with a woman with anxiety, and you don’t see her struggling, it’s because she’s trying extremely hard to cope with them. Not for you, but for herself. She’ll try exercise, healthier foods, sleeping teas, etc—all so that she can function in life as effortlessly as her friends.
They always care. Even though their brain tells them to constantly worry about themselves and stressful events, they still find time to care of their friends. They still find time to listen to a heartbroken friend. They even sometimes brave big crowds when they aren’t feeling it because they want to make you happy. It’s so easy to be selfish with anxiety, but more often than not, they are selfless.
They’re strong. Relationships are difficult and tricky, and navigating them without letting anxious thoughts ruin them is one of their biggest strengths. This is in regards to both romantic and platonic relationships. They see themselves as baggage and it takes real strength to allow someone to get close enough to see that.
They’re masters of their own fate. Feeling helpless is too easy for a woman with anxiety. She becomes a master of her own fate, a strong woman who pushes through in order to become a resilient human rather than the powerless person her anxiety tries to make her. The victim card is not an option.
They fight back. Sometimes when it feels like people are using the disorder to define their character, they fight back. Anxiety ridden woman refuse to let their weakness define them, but focus on the strength that comes with fighting a daily battle with their own head.
They try. If they gave in to their anxiety at every moment, they would live underneath their duvet covers with a happy movie playing on loop. They are consistently drained and exhausted—both emotionally and physically, but they continually go outside and make strides in becoming a normal member of society. They may take naps, but they are not lazy.
They are forgiving. They forgive when you’re moody or upset or when you can’t pull yourself out of a funk. They’ve been there. They won’t judge you, but they will lend you a empathetic ear. They know struggles and they don’t judge you for yours.
They’re complex. They are complicated creatures and they can be unpredictable and mysterious, but it’s not in a ‘lead in the indie movie’ romantic way—it’s just their life. They can’t control it, but they roll with it. They are admirable because of the cunning ways they disguise their fear, through humor or mystery or simply a hapless smile, to make you feel comfortable around them.
They lead. Anxiety follows them around like a shadow, but they always make sure they are leading the way. They are the leaders of their life and even though they succumb to the effects of anxiety on occasion (through no fault of their own) they get up again. That’s strength.
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